After he got back, he discovered the location of the Demon Soul.
She had to pack up and deploy at midnight just 13 days after he got back from his deployment.
Not long after he got back, Frank had a psychiatric exam in which the doctor found him depressed and unfit for military service.
After Kate died, he turned his life around. He went back to school and got himself a scholarship to a fancy art academy in New York.
And we got our touching Chloe/Jack moment when he told her ''I never thought it would be you who would cover my back after all these years.
After he pawned the phone, Qin worked really hard teaching people how to dance and got his iPhone back.
She listened to her son as they were playing; and after a few minutes he said to his companion: "Do you know what you have got on your back?"
He got his former job back after a struggle.
He paid the money back soon after he got a well-paid job.
He has got his strength back after his illness.
But I got after him and he got his mind back on business.
After he was caught by the police, stealing from the book shop, I got Nancy to get him back. And then she felt sorry for him.
He got his strength back slowly after his illness.
He said that as the economy got back on its feet, silver demand was seen increasing, especially after "upbeat" outlooks from computer and appliance makers who use the metal for batteries.
After her son had called , he got back to mummy to infrom her that it was a lady that picked up daddy's phone the three times he tried reaching dad on the mobile .
After her son had called , he got back to mummy to infrom her that it was a lady that picked up daddy's phone the three times he tried reaching dad on the mobile .