China has entered into an aged society and elderly care has become an increasing challenge to the entire society.
China has come into an aged society but this society, with its own characteristics, is different from that of other countries.
The arrival of Lewis Turning Point and drawing close of aged society mean the traditional population dividend of China is wearing off.
Objective: Our country has already entered the aged society, the question of hyperlipidemia in old people make people pay more attention to it.
Recently increased attention has been focused on aged society, land expropriation and compensation, flowing population and public participation.
The American Society on Aging provides resource services to those dealing with the aged.
Researchers at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta looked at the association between the waistlines of 48, 500 men and 56, 343 women aged 50 years and older, and death from any illness.
位于亚特兰大的美国癌症协会的研究人员曾探寻腰围大小与疾病致死之间的联系。 他们选取了50岁以上的48500名男性和56343名女性的作为研究对象。
Conclusion We should attach importance to senile dementia for it has become one of major diseases to harm the health of the aged and exerted great influence on family and society.
Education of the Aged is of important position and function in society.
Our country has already entered the old society, the aged question has already become a great social concern.
The positive side is that middle-aged and elderly professionals can continue to make contributions to society. The negative side is that young people may have difficulty finding jobs.
"Sympathizing with the aged and children"was an important law principle in China's ancient society.
With the ageing of population increasing dramatically and the number of the aged rising more heavily in China, the society, household and aged people are mostly affected.
You see, I'm the typical middle-aged male in Western society.
During the middle Ages, everybody was middle-aged. Church and state were co-operatic. Middle Evil society was made up of monks, lords and surfs.
With more and more old people living in the society, the apartment houses for the aged in real estate market has arisen at the historic moment, which has offered us a new subject.
The society has entered into the information era in the twenty-first century while the whole world began the aged times.
Facelifts are surging in popularity among American men, and middle-aged men had the majority of work done, a survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) showed.
Thus the article concludes that it is a prior task for a population ageing society to provide Medicare and daily life assist needed by the aged in the community development.
It's the responsibility of the whole society to insure legal rights of women, children and the aged people.
The aged are well taken care of in our society.
At present, China has entered into the aging society. To set up criteria for the physical fitness and health evaluation of the aged is an urgent task needed to solve.
More importantly, the author indicates that __ is a double-aged sword which can exert profound influence on our society.
The western world has yet to respect the aged members of its society as the Japanese do.
Methods: Life satisfaction index a (LSIA) and 15 investigations about society-Psychology-Biological factors of LSIA were performed in 135 doctors aged above 50 years old.
方法:对135例50岁以上的高龄医生进行生活满意度指数A (LSIA)有关的15项社会-心理-生物因素调查。结果:该人群的LSIA平均得分为14。
Methods: Life satisfaction index a (LSIA) and 15 investigations about society-Psychology-Biological factors of LSIA were performed in 135 doctors aged above 50 years old.
方法:对135例50岁以上的高龄医生进行生活满意度指数A (LSIA)有关的15项社会-心理-生物因素调查。结果:该人群的LSIA平均得分为14。