Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.
You can easily overtake me on the road, for you are young, and I am ageing and go softly.
Running on a regular basis can slow the effects of ageing, a study by US researchers shows.
If we can use her DNA to find that mutant gene then we can test it in laboratory animals to see if we can switch if off and slow down the ageing process at will.
Damage from UV rays can lead to premature ageing and even skin cancer and the scientists say it is the antioxidant lycopene found in tomatoes which provided the benefit.
Ageing men in suits can be fashion slaves, too.
Research suggests that the reason for this could be the ageing effects of stress, and the persistent relaxation of facial muscles which can be an effect of long term anti-depressant use.
Research shows that phosphate, which gives many soft drinks their tangy taste, can accelerate ageing.
A series of studies suggest that childhood stress caused by poverty or abuse can lead to heart disease, inflammation, and speed up cell ageing.
Moreover, even the appearance of ageing can be harmful.
But in America, where more than 850 communities rely on ageing sewer systems, a downpour can be especially bleak.
Doh! Sugar-rich treats, like doughnuts, can speed up the ageing process
Are there things that we're seeing, especially a new error that we're repeating, are we seeing ageing affects, what is it that we can learn from all these reports?
Any spare cash that the airline can generate should be used to replace its fleet of 55 ageing Boeing 747s, which are an average of five years away from retirement.
They found a significant decrease in a marker associated with cell damage, which can cause impaired brain, muscle, liver and kidney function as well as ageing effects on the skin.
The epigenome can be disrupted by smoking, ageing, stress, atmospheric pollution, what we eat and drink, and a host of other environmental factors.
If Japan can find a way of dealing with an ageing and falling population, its neighbours will be all ears.
The march of old age may be unstoppable, but two new studies in mice and monkeys suggest we can at least tinker with the ageing process - and offer a glimpse at how anti-ageing medications could work.
In my opinion, there is nothing stay the same in the world, and the love is not the feelings that can by ringed by a ring, not a promise can ensure the ageing together by getting married.
Couple this with an ageing population that can no longer depend on rising home and stock prices to finance its retirement, and Americans in coming years will consume less and save more (see article).
Research also shows that wearing a uniform to work can slow down ageing - perhaps because it prevents more elderly staff from dressing according to their age.
When we are tense, the body produces cortisol which can speed up the metabolism, resulting in stress break-outs on the skin surface and premature ageing.
Sensitivity to insulin can decline with ageing, which presents a novel risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.
Here he is talking about what factors can affect the ageing process.
Relatives can be unable or unwilling to care for them properly; sometimes, they are carers for sick and ageing grandparents.
But by understanding the ageing process, we can help combat arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, all these things which are age-related.
When they do get out of control, free radicals can cause the sort of damage characteristic of ageing cells, including broken DNA and misformed proteins.
So scientists will need to determine whether lower doses of the drug can offer humans anti-ageing effects without compromising their immune systems, Kaeberlein says.
It helps us understand the process of cellular ageing, as that's what drives our organ system and body ageing, and the effects physical activity can have on the cellular level.
It helps us understand the process of cellular ageing, as that's what drives our organ system and body ageing, and the effects physical activity can have on the cellular level.