Designated forex Banks could deal with their clients at an agreed rate.
Designated forex Banks could deal with their clients at an agreed rate.
A put option provides the right to sell a currency and buy the base currency at the agreed rate.
A put option provides the right to sell a currency and buy the base currency at the agreed rate.
The countries party to the Convention agreed in 1990 to slow the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010.
One problem is that Fed officials have not agreed on what their optimal inflation rate is or how quickly they would like to reach it.
Even that relied on an interest rate of 5%, roughly what euro-zone partners have agreed they will levy on Greece, on all new borrowing and on maturing debt.
French and German exporters at least agreed on a more modest goal: a single currency to end exchange-rate risks within the internal market, including competitive devaluations.
Chinese and European policymakers yesterday agreed to co-operate in preventing big exchange rate fluctuations, as the first high-level economic talks between ?Beijing and the 13-nation eurozone began.
If this program failed to reduce the infection rate, the ISSC agreed that the FDA could require oysters to be treated after harvesting to kill pathogenic Vibrio.
Obama and the lame-duck Congress agreed to bring the estate tax back but with much a higher exemption rate that had been sought by Republicans.
It hopes to join the ERM-2 (a pledge to keep the exchange rate within agreed bounds for two years) early next year in order to qualify for euro membership by 2012.
它希望能够在明年年初加入ERM - 2(保证在两年内将汇率固定在约定的范围内),以便能够在2012年前取得欧元区成员国的资格。
In May the ECB council agreed to extend the offer of fixed-rate cash to one year.
A change to the rules that govern its money-market operations could be agreed on by the bank at its next rate-setting meeting on September 3rd and 4th.
TDC, a Danish telecoms group, recently announced it was cutting the interest rate it agreed to pay to lenders just 12 months ago.
On August 15th Nixon, in effect, announced that America was now unwilling to do what it would soon be incapable of doing-converting dollars into gold at the agreed exchange rate.
Once the exchange rate is agreed upon between the customer and the bank.
The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.
For the second, participants were asked to rate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with statements designed to assess the personality traits of Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism.
She was clearly referring to the us, whose low savings rate, and fiscal and trade deficits are agreed to be a key cause for global economic imbalances.
Instead, the company agreed to charge him a flat rate of around $30 per day and waive the extra cost, according to USA Today.
No credit checks are needed and, once the item is valued and a rate of interest agreed, the customer can leave with the money.
This kind of swap gives the party who pays at fixed rate the right to cease swap before a agreed period. It also means that the party paying at fixed rate buy the option of swap.
The insurance company finally agreed that our loans were good enough to rate insurance.
The insurance company finally agreed that our loans were good enough to rate insurance.