We also will improve the circulation system for agricultural production materials.
However, agricultural production materials price continued increasing is eroded the tax reform policy and the benefit bring by rising agricultural products price.
The overall price of agricultural production materials raise too much, such as chemical fertilizer, farm diesel fuel, farm plastic film which is ore and oil-based products raise most.
But in the mid-19th century, Britain's stagnant agricultural production, food consumption, the UK, increasingly dependent on meat and agricultural raw materials imported from abroad.
It's also true that agricultural raw materials, especially cotton, compete for land and other resources with food crops - as does the subsidized production of ethanol, which consumes a lot of corn.
The problem that the lack of raw materials for biogas production in rural area was solved by using agricultural straw.
Soil water-holding agent is one kind of new chemical drought-resistant materials. They are widely used in the agricultural production and afforestation in arid zone.
Do the grading documents unambiguously verify that production SOP's and use of only JAS approved materials is verified prior to allowing the use of the JAS seal on the harvested agricultural product?
Development and production of new products and new technologies for agricultural films photolysis film, multifunctional film and the raw materials, etc.
At present, over 92% of the country's primary energy, 80% of the industrial raw and processed materials and more than 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources.
To date, more than 92% of the country's primary energy, 80% of the industrial crude and raw materials and over 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources.
To date, more than 92% of the country's primary energy, 80% of the industrial crude and raw materials and over 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources.