Mr Koirala, as he inhales from the oxygen tank that is keeping his ailing body alive, needs to ponder that.
Europe's aristocracy took the waters at mineral spas, often on the sites of former Roman baths, to subject the ailing body to water treatment, rather than to cleanse away dirt.
They dream of using a specialized bio-inkjet printer to grow new body parts for organ transplants or tissues for making regenerative medicine repairs to ailing bodies.
A pneumatic ailing machine with adjustable ailing force comprises a machine body, an air cylinder, an upper aluminum lid, and a balanced valve positioned inside the upper aluminum lid;
可调打钉力的气动打钉枪,包括枪体、气缸、上铝盖、位于上铝 盖内部的平衡阀;
A pneumatic ailing machine with adjustable ailing force comprises a machine body, an air cylinder, an upper aluminum lid, and a balanced valve positioned inside the upper aluminum lid;
可调打钉力的气动打钉枪,包括枪体、气缸、上铝盖、位于上铝 盖内部的平衡阀;