The fresh air and exercise cured him of his headache.
The thermal degradation process of the Varnish film cured by UV radiation was analyzed with TG method in air atmosphere.
Tobacco kilns are popular for the fast cure, and are most comparable to air cured barn dried tobacco.
The effect of air-humidity on bubble of the cured two-component polyurethane was studied.
When used in manufacturing, it was cured in a vacuum oven to get rid of air bubbles, but that has not proven to be a big problem on a small scale.
Foreign materials such as dirt, dust or oil that can be detected in the cured powder film, pre-treatment chemicals or air supply.
The dry summer air cured them, much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.
Flue-cured tobacco is dried in a closed barn with heat piped from a furnace, while burley is cured in the open air.
Commonly, air-cured tobacco is subdivided into dark air-cured and light air-cured tobacco.
During 1987—1990, native sun and air cured tobacco resources in whole China were investigated in order to evaluate their quality and usebility.
Flue cured tobacco similarly vents heated air through the tobacco to accelerate curing.
The soft sealant forms an air tight seal between the base and the cover when the soft sealant is cured.
Burley, also known as White Burley tobacco, is primarily used to make cigarettes and aromatic blends, whereas dark air-cured tobaccos are mainly used in the production of chewing tobacco and snuff.
Leaves are exposed to the sun to remove most of their moisture before being air-cured to complete the process.
Other air-and sun-cured tobacco items which are not included in the above-mentioned catalogue may be sold at rural or urban trade markets.
BAT Uganda produces mainly flue-cured tobacco, dried in a closed barn with heat piped from a furnace, and burley, treated in the open air, according to the company.
Fixtech Adhesives and Sealants will not cause chemical air bubble after they have cured and will save you a lot in product cost and reduce labour cost and reduce warranty cost.
Fixtech Adhesives and Sealants will not cause chemical air bubble after they have cured and will save you a lot in product cost and reduce labour cost and reduce warranty cost.