Gliding across the dusky sky, the craft startled locals and frightened air-traffic controllers, who promptly closed Hangzhou's busy airport and locked down the city's airspace for more than an hour.
There are air-locked rooms here for issuing "challenges" to people with every conceivable severe allergy.
Even when the car is off and locked, these fans whir around, so when you step back into it you don't need to crank up the power-hungry air conditioning.
When heaven have been locked, when air pressure shoulder.
Therefore, the self locking type air spring has the function of maintaining the free type gas spring, and can also be locked at any position of the stroke!
In fact, the so-called self locking type gas spring or Angle or is a kind of air spring can be locked in any position of the stroke.
The blade is very easy to locate, all blades are locked fast and continuously by compressed air.
You have been locked in a bathroom that has limited air supply.
I couldn't help thinking of his wife telling me in confidence that the marriage, to her, was a prison: a locked cell, stifling and restrictive; no access to daylight or fresh air.
But there are people called: self-locking type pneumatic rod, in fact, lockable gas spring or the so-called Angle or is a kind of air spring can be locked in any position of the stroke.
Before he left the house in the mornings, he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, opened some Windows to let the air in and locked the front door.
Before he left the house in the mornings, he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, opened some Windows to let the air in and locked the front door.