The effects of draw-down ratio, air-layer length, drawing conditions on the structure and properties of the fiber were discussed.
The water evaporates and the salts are left behind, creating a white crustal layer that prevents air and water from reaching the underlying soil.
As the tree grows, it adds a layer to its trunk taking up chemical elements from the air.
In some systems, foam at the surface may not cause a lot of damage, but the presence of a foam layer normally indicates extensive air entrainment.
A layer of cold air remains near the ground as smoke and fumes pour into it.
Healthy sinuses are lined with a thin layer of mucus that traps dust, germs, and other particles in the air.
Light sent into the oil layer was confined there, bouncing between the metal and air boundaries. The beam spread out ever more quickly, generating a trumpet-shaped glow (see image).
If the wind is strong, it penetrates your clothes and removes the insulating layer of warm air around you.
The still air of the stratosphere contains the ozone layer, which was created when ultraviolet light caused trios of oxygen atoms to bind together into ozone molecules.
Even in the cleanest of homes, air-conditioner griller, heating grates, and fan blades eventually develop a layer of dust and grease.
"Every moving thing lifted the dust into the air," he wrote in the Grapes of Wrath. "a walking man lifted a thin layer as high as his waist."
Altocumulus lacunosus. “An elusive prize for any cloud collector,” lacunosus clouds form when sinking pockets of air create holes in a cloud layer.
高积网状云。 “对于所有的观云爱好者来说,能欣赏到这种难以捉摸的云彩无异于恩赐,”当下沉的气团在云层中形成空洞时,网状云便出现了。
This is because the resistance is so great that a layer of air makes no appreciable difference.
After turning vane rotary flow off the air after oil, continue to up after packing, will the air filter layer of oil and other impurities again for the separation and filtering.
They also have 30 percent more feathers in the winter and can fluff them up, trapping a layer of warm air.
Factories, power stations, and rehicles exhausts[1] pump harmful gases into the air, contributing to global warming, causing acid rain[2], and destroying the ozone layer.
By horizontal tangent into the air filter layer, rotate and foreign get down to the oil, oil level of shock wave and flow surfaces by a foam, the air in the oil to get oil bath.
Do not think of high-level floor, a good 9-11, you big mistake, and these floors is precisely Jan gray layer of dirty air to the height will come to a halt, we will not tell you.
The earth is surrounded by a layer of air called the atmosphere.
There are ten layer mesh, its internal layer than a close, put it in the air, dirty places soon will become very clean air.
Foam is the other common type of air in oil. Foam typically refers to the stable layer of relatively large bubbles that accumulate at the surface of a reservoir.
Morning, fresh air, morning mist quietly diffuse from the bottom up hill, like a blossoming such as flocculation, woven into a thin layer of air, bathed in morning mist into a great sport.
Air in the atmosphere's outermost layer is very thin, but air molecules still create drag that slows down satellites, requiring engineers to periodically boost them back into their proper orbits.
When they belittle us for demanding clean air and clean water for trying to save the oceans and the ozone layer, that's wrong.
Transmission of polarizing prism is affected by crystal thickness, air inter layer thickness and configuration Angle.
Why can a hydrofoil move on a layer of air?
In the middle of the roof is an air layer which is cooled and cleaned automatically by water spraying system linked to the rainwater collection tank.
The blasting mechanism of smooth blasting soft mat layer charging construction (for example, air layer and layer) is introduced.
Seen from space, the Earth's atmosphere is a thin blue layer of air.
Global warming is defined as the rise of the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface layer of air as well as the oceans, and extends to the projected continuation of that rise.