Altair's found plenty of room by moving the air conditioning system from the engine bay to the roof.
Detection, identification, and selection of moving target through image sequence are very important to Air Traffic Control System and Air Defense System.
Two component system consists of passive, magnet-free stationary platen, constructed of lightweight composite materials, and dual axes moving forcer, gliding on the air bearings.
Image tracking system is a real-time tracking system, which takes advantage of characters of image to track moving targets in the air or on the ground.
This system can especially be used under the instances such as the air' visibility is low , the automobile is backing or is moving in light , and the vehicle has to go slowlier.
Such as smart weapons, intelligent robot vision system and micro air vehicles, expected the whole system weight light, size small, large field of view and the more sensitive to the moving target.
In this paper, by the statistical analysis of the path, source and moving velocity-of the cold air, blocking high on the north of Baikal and Yakutsk was shown to be the main system of influence.
In this paper, by the statistical analysis of the path, source and moving velocity-of the cold air, blocking high on the north of Baikal and Yakutsk was shown to be the main system of influence.