There are generally two kinds of cooling systems: water cooling system and air cooling system.
The vertical direction of the mold, vertical feeding, can not afford to arch, and equipped with air cooling system, easy to heat.
Countered problems in the forced-air cooling system of power transformer, the energy-saving device composed by converter is designed.
This paper introduces the necessity of technical improvement and the design principles of an air cooling system for simulated altitude test facility.
At the bottom of the tank, the temperature performance is better than that of general air cooling system, which improves the quality of the particles.
In the method, the oil cooling system is adopted to replace an air cooling system and perform radiating treatment on the magnetrons in the microwave oven.
Two layers of sunscreen structure, infrared light board cooling circulation system, laminated heat; open infrared lights, air cooling system to work immediately.
By contrast of the new forced-air cooler in transformers to the old one, the design and effect of improvement of the old forced-air cooling system are discussed.
The bottom is the mezzanine with built-in water circulation system which has better thermostatic performance than air cooling system is good, improved pellet quality.
By installing air cooling system and decreasing power loss of gas combustion turbine, our company ensures the compressor bundle stable and long term operation at 100%.
Most of the time, air conditioning is done by fat air ducts which gobble both energy and space between floors and ceilings. Here the cooling is done by a cool water system.
This is one reason why car manufacturers provide a valve to throw the air away from the car engine cooling system.
This unexpected air will often disrupt the system pressure and eventually disrupt the coolant in its attempt of cooling the car engine.
A useful test to ascertain operational efficiency is simply to load up the system as much as possible to see if the air is actually cooling at the vents sufficiently.
This is to free the air bubbles from the car engine cooling system.
After cooling of the compressed air after a stop valve into the gas system.
Simple as it can be, air bubbles may actually turn out to be dangerous. Overtime, they may cause overheat when trapped in car engine cooling system.
The Aquasar cooling system USES water at temperatures of up to 140 degrees, and as a result consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a comparable air-cooled machine.
a quasar冷却系统使用温度高达华氏140度的水,因此对于能源的需求比相同散热效率的风冷设备低了足足40%。
The main purpose of the buffer is to prevent the compressed air system pressure fluctuations, compressed air happened to prevent further cooling, prevent compressor working too much.
When the cooling system failed at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor Number 2, the fuel rods boiled through the available water and were for a period of hours exposed to the air.
Rapid and efficient cooling system: the equipment is provided with a high power fan and high-performance air pump, significantly decreasing equipment cooling time.
The main part of the cooling system is a 3-wheel air-cycle machine which works as a self-controlled system for heating and cooling.
Some machines coming with air cooling or water cooling system can be operated for longtime.
This paper presents a analysis of desiccant cooling system with a rotating desiccant wheel in different operation ways and discusses the use of desiccant cooling systems in air conditioning.
Internal heat exchanger, the heat generated by cooling water system in cooling tower in the air emissions.
If there happens to be air bubbles in their engine cooling system, it may cause their cars to malfunction.
Predicting the cooling load of air-conditioning system is the precondition and foundation of optimizing control of an ice storage system.
The downward air outlet of front protective cover reduces heat radiation against the engine and improves reliability of cooling system in the meantime.
An advanced control method is necessary for large low temperature (air cooling) environment simulation test system because of its complexity, more interference factors and poor safety.
Yet, another thing that is very important as well is that the radiator lid is the one responsible for releasing the air trapped in the car engine cooling system.