The electromagnetic eddy current brake is taken as auxiliary brake with water-cooled or air-cooled. EATON brake is also available.
The LIM has the second longitudinal end effect caused by eddy currents in secondary plate in its operation, which reduces its available magnetic flux of air gap and pull coefficient.
Active parts of slotless motor winding directly cut off air - gap field, it could produced eddy-current loss.
On the basis of the principle of eddy current testing, the instrument was designed for the quality of austenitic heat-resistant steel air valve.
It is showed that being the interaction between primary air and upstream fluid, the shear eddy the the wake are formed on the two sides of the primary air respectively.
In chapter 5, the dynamic vertical end effect of linear motor is analyzed, which causes eddy current loss and air gap flux decrease.
In chapter 5, the dynamic vertical end effect of linear motor is analyzed, which causes eddy current loss and air gap flux decrease.