These would detect unpleasant air pockets ahead, allowing the aircraft to adjust its navigation automatically, without assistance from the pilots, and the passengers to glide gently through the air.
When emperor penguins glide through the water, tiny air bubbles trail behind. On land, they are much less graceful.
Because of his supremely transcendent power over mind and subtle energy, he was able to glide across the sky like an eagle, to move, walk, rest, and sit while remaining in the air.
As a result of it, the wake of air forced backwards by one segment of the snake's undulating body may provide extra lift to the segment behind in the sidewinding glide.
Allow the air to glide down your windpipe as if it's filling your abdomen.
Air traffic controllers use this information of glide slope and center line deviation to guide the pilot for a precision instrument landing.
The longitudinal glide trajectory design for general air-to-ship missile is studied. Using spline function as glide standard trajectory of missile is presented.
Travel a half mile using only Wall Run, Glide, Jump and Air Dash.
Travel a half mile using only Wall Run, Glide, Jump and Air Dash.