Not only is it completely stealthy, but its primary role is as an air superiority fighter.
To illustrate this, let's take a look at a classic Multirole fighter and its differences from a regular air superiority fighter.
The F-22 program is developing the next-generation air superiority fighter for the air Force to counter emerging worldwide threats.
Under such a scenario, the J-20 would perform the role of penetrating strike aircraft and the J-21 that of an air superiority fighter, Cliff said.
Cliff说,在这种情形下,J - 20将扮演突防打击攻击机的角色,而J -21则将发挥空优战斗机的作用。
So, for example, if we need air superiority capabilities in 2025, and we are not going to buy sufficient F-22s, we better begin a new air superiority fighter program today.
举例来说,如果我们在2025年需要空中优势的能力,我们又不打算购买足够的F – 22 那么 我们最好今天就开始一个新的空中优势战斗机的项目。
Mirage 2000, also developed by France, is a multirole lightweight fighter. Its main capabilities include interception and air superiority.
It's an all-weather, extremely maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the air Force to gain and maintain air superiority in aerial combat.
F - 15是一种全天候高机动性战术战斗机,用于空中优势作战任务。
Type: fourth - generation single - engine, single - seater multirole fighter capable for interception, air superiority, and ground attack missions.
Type: fourth - generation single - engine, single - seater multirole fighter capable for interception, air superiority, and ground attack missions.