Toilets will use flowing air instead of water to move waste through the system.
When the cooling system failed at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor Number 2, the fuel rods boiled through the available water and were for a period of hours exposed to the air.
So, just as the Internet is a "network of networks", GEONETCast aims to be a "system of systems" that includes data on agriculture, forestry, air and water quality, and ocean conditions.
因此,就像因特网是一种“网络的网络”一样,GEONET Cast也力图成为一种涵盖农业、林业、空气质量与水质、海洋状况信息的“系统的系统”。
The Aquasar cooling system USES water at temperatures of up to 140 degrees, and as a result consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a comparable air-cooled machine.
a quasar冷却系统使用温度高达华氏140度的水,因此对于能源的需求比相同散热效率的风冷设备低了足足40%。
In the whole gas supply system, we should set up drainages at both ends to drain the water in the compressed air to insurance the compressed air dry.
Due to compression process influence the air dew point of compressed air in the pipeline, run it will gradually decrease temperature, so the compressed air system always have liquid water.
Compressed air actual if keep steam condition, won't cause system problems, if want to remove all of the water vapor in the compressed air is not only very expensive, and it is unrealistic.
If the compressed air system problems, need liquid water by condensation water filter or the drainage device to emerge.
Liquid water is compressed air in powder coating system to produce a major problem, is the best way of setting out before in liquid water in the compressed air of the excess moisture to rule out.
And through the water circulating system to all the air conditioning point provide external heat source.
To replace the water lost perspiring and breathing the dry winter air, use a hydration system.
When filling the system with water, open valves to tank to ensure any water or air remaining in the bladder from factory testing is displaced prior to placing the tank in operation.
In the middle of the roof is an air layer which is cooled and cleaned automatically by water spraying system linked to the rainwater collection tank.
Type ISG In-Line pumps are mainly used to water supply for high buildings, booster pipeline pumps, fire fighting and air condition system.
Such a system contains a boiler, furnace, or heat pump to heat water, steam, or air, all in a central location such as a furnace room in a home or a mechanical room in a large building.
VULCA together with DILCO dilution water feed system is used to prevent the channelling and air entrainment into the stock and to save pumping energy costs when filling the tower.
Advanced air mist cooling technology is adopted and the original control system is modified in order to remedy the unsatisfying part of the spray water control system of the imported caster.
The researchers then created a system to gather data when their pelts entered and moved through a liquid-in this case not water, but silicone oil, which makes it easier to see air bubbles.
To contract complete sets of water system including both pure and waste water treatment, gas system including gas purifier , compressed air and waste gas treatment system.
The research on air-to-water sound transmission is essential for designing underwater acoustic system to detect airborne target.
Using condensation heat from centralized air-conditioning system for preparing domestic hot water has a remarkable economy, and can save energy and reduce thermal pollution to environment.
The grey system assessment method, air pollution integrated index are applied to evaluate the atmosphere, surface water, noise environmental quality of valley cities in western China.
This approach could lead to devices to charge cellphones or other electronics using just the humidity in the air. As a side benefit, the system could also produce clean water.
Presents the principle of this air conditioning system applied to an electronic semiconductor clean plant and the design of its water system.
Thee interconnected system of green spaces in the parks can conserve natural ecosystem values and functions, sustain clear air and water, and provide a wide array of benefits to people and wildlife.
公园里成片成片的绿化地区能保护自然生态,供给洁净的空气和水源,对人和动物都有利。 。
Installing air surge tank in pressure water system is a new and economically efficient measure to prevent water hammer accident.
And it has been proved by practice that it is economical to apply inverter to the water system of the building air-condition.
This article mainly discusses and analyses in quality how to avoid cavitations occurred in control valve, which is in air-conditioning water system including both chilling and cooling.
Three cases of exhausting in hot-water heating system are introduced. The way of exhausting the air which dissolved in water and where to exhaust the air are introduced.
Three to five years large size foreign manufactory power supply, compressed air system, vacuum system & DI water system, management experience.