Now, when you look at this there is something quite remarkable and the remarkable thing x - throughout this whole trajectory-- if there is no air draft, - if there is no friction-- is not changing.
In like manner, meteors super heat the air along their trajectory, and UFOs not only create their own gravity centers, they also create their own magnetic fields.
The effects of frication, air frication on the speed and trajectory of projectiles have been fully considered.
The essential characteristics, flight sequence, trajectory design and optimal analysis for air launch vehicle are discussed.
AirKick works propelling participants through the air in a pre-calculated parabolic trajectory using a special combination of air pressure and water recoil technology.
Once a swimmer is in the air the trajectory of the center of gravity is set and cannot be changed by any body movements.
The trajectory of these two attachment points adds a degree of freedom to the shock mounting system and creates a more complex leverage ratio, one that is optimized for use with an air shock.
Testing the temperature distribution of the cold air attached jet on the double shutter, we can determine the trajectory of a core air temperature jet.
Precision prediction capability for trajectory is the base of software for air traffic control.
Some real-time computation problems for the optimization of air defence missile trajectory are presented, and the quasi-Newton methods are used to compute the initial optimization trajectory.
The longitudinal glide trajectory design for general air-to-ship missile is studied. Using spline function as glide standard trajectory of missile is presented.
The air resistance of damper of 1-dimension trajectory correcting fuses (1-D TCF) is measured under pill angle of attack and low wind speed.
The air resistance of damper of 1-dimension trajectory correcting fuses (1-D TCF) is measured under pill angle of attack and low wind speed.