If you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-and-from the airport, you'll find almost no difference.
In a covert situation at an airport, people could conceivably undergo the initial assessment at check-in or immigration.
Buy/read tabloid magazines (browsing them in the check-out aisle or an airport doesn’t count)
——购买/阅读八卦杂志 (在一些诸如退房等待或者机场等公共区域看一眼不算)
You'd better reach the airport one hour before departure time for check-in.
When you arrive at the airport, you should go to your airline's reservation and check-in desk.
Passengers must check in at the airport one hour before plane leaves.
I'm glad we arrived at the airport three hours early-there was such a long line at the check-in counter.
Get to the airport in time to safely check in and return the rental car.
Study abroad in Russia: border check, arrived at Russia's airport in the future, will be at the designated border waiting in line to check the import.
I see this from the first reception of Mr. Yuan in yichang airport who still with us and check every one if have any problem or no and till now he do this.
We check in at the airport, the cut-off at different times, if you need to know, please visit our website or call our service hotline.
Upon request, reservations representatives or airport agents will advise you if your flight is overbooked at the time your reservation is made or during the airport check-in process.
Check-in procedure a passenger should arrive at the airport within the time limit set by the carrier and check in beforehand by showing his or her ticket and valid identity card.
Please be at the airport to check in two hours before departure time.
This is Rice's first time on a plane. He doesn't know how to check in. Now he is inquiring an airport worker about it.
The VIP lounge of Shenzhen Airport can offer a variety of services, including check-in, meeting or seeing off guests.
Like the check-in clerk and the immigration official at Beijing's airport, the flight's co-pilot can only giggle uncomfortably when asked to explain the contradictions.
It's the first time I'm traveling overseas with you. I'm glad we arrived at the airport three hours early-there was such a long line at the check-in counter.
It's the first time I'm traveling overseas with you. I'm glad we arrived at the airport three hours early-there was such a long line at the check-in counter.