In traditional application development, you can put all of your logic for what this action should do right in the event handler, but with Ajax it's not that easy.
You saw the grails.converters package in action in " Many-to-many relationships with a dollop of Ajax."
您在 “ 精通Grails:使用 Ajax 实现多对多关系中见过了使用中的 grails.converters”包。
Figure 3 shows my DWR-based Ajax application in action, displaying items retrieved by a search with the user's shopping cart on the right.
For example, if you only wanted to show action movies in the LiveGrid, you can set requestParameters to genre=action and the service handling the Ajax calls would return movies matching that genre.
例如,如果只想在 LiveGrid中显示动作片,那么可以将requestParameters设置为genre=action,处理Ajax调用的服务将返回那种类型的影片。
McClaren is set to travel to Amsterdam to watch United in action against FC Porto and Ajax.
McClaren is set to travel to Amsterdam to watch United in action against FC Porto and Ajax.