Alan Greenspan discounts our fiscal success story.
This raises two interesting questions: is Alan Greenspan in fact a god?
Alan Greenspan has added a new twist to the ongoing debate on jobs outsourcing.
We've long cursed deities for our suffering Alan Greenspan is no exception.
Alan Greenspan needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble.
Alan Greenspan was widely heralded as the world's greatest financial thinker.
The first deviation from the trend began shortly after Alan Greenspan became chairman.
A few weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the megamergers in the banking industry.
With interest rates hitting zero I say Alan Greenspan Ben Bernanke must be losing sleep at night.
Alan Greenspan failed to take any steps to rein in the housing bubble and arguably even promoted it.
Under Alan Greenspan, the central bank encouraged and facilitated greater use of debt throughout the economy.
We’ve come a long way from the days when Alan Greenspan declared a national housing bubble “most unlikely.”
It wasn't personal: he also was the lone vote against Alan Greenspan 's confirmation for his final term leading the central bank.
Then there are worries about Mr Bernanke's credibility. Wall Street is still getting used to the shift from Alan Greenspan.
Mr Bernanke and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, argued before the crisis that bubbles are hard to identify before they burst.
Hence Mr Barbera rejects the idea, popular in the era of Alan Greenspan, that central Banks should do nothing to burst asset bubbles.
A lot of warnings out there, Alan Greenspan also issued warnings, but I was stunned by reading a statement you made in the banking committee -.
Despite the merits of the case and the support of Alan Greenspan, it became obvious by the end of the month that we weren't doing well in Congress.
After leading the U. s. central bank from 1987 until two years ago, Alan Greenspan remains one of America's influential voices on economic matters.
Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers (the three smugly depicted in that 1999 Time cover of the "committee to Save the world"), and Tim Geithner.
这部新影片也瞄准了可能造成现在大萧条的大人物:阿兰·格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan),罗伯特·鲁宾(Robert Rubin),拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)(他们三人1999年得意洋洋地登上时代杂志封面,当时的题目是“拯救全世界三巨头”)和提姆·盖特纳(Tim Geithner)。
Alan Greenspan, in his book, says that he thinks housing markets are all local and there is no — he says this firmly in his book there is no national housing market.
Alan Greenspan has admitted his error. This admission is ominous because what he could not have imagined has no intrinsic limits. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Alan Greenspan has admitted his error. This admission is ominous because what he could not have imagined has no intrinsic limits. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg.