Yeast is essential for the fermentation that produces alcohol.
This is also a type of alcohol that can be made by fermenting sugar (though the fermentation is done by a species of bacterium rather than by yeast), and it has some advantages over ethanol.
Using Chinese kiwifruit juice as raw material through alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation produce a kind of kiwifruit vinegar it has some health care functions.
The fermentation of sugar to alcohol and the production of lime and sodium phosphate also generate carbon dioxide.
With higher levels of sugar, alcohol will accumulate and inhibit the fermentation before the sugar can be completely used, thus producing a sweeter wine.
In this experiment, the effect of the way and the quantity of yeast addition on the reducing sugar contents and yeast concentration in alcohol fermentation was investigated.
Oxygen content in pits would directly influence yeast growth and its metabolic pathway and alcohol fermentation is the metabolic pathway of yeast under oxygen free conditions.
Studied the selecting method of agglutinating nature yeast on alcohol fermentation.
The physical, chemical and biological pretreatment, enzyme saccharification, alcohol fermentation technology and research development were stated in this paper.
Based on the analysis of actual data of density during fermentation, the mathematic model of density changes during pink wine alcohol fermentation was established.
Alcohol fermentation is a process of high energy consumption including large amount of cooling water and electricity etc.
Through adjustment on the processing conditions of the alcohol fermentation, will increase the glycerol content in the stillage considerably.
When alcohol density of fermentation supernatant was 50% and 70%, two kinds of water-solubility polysaccharide can be acquired.
Using Chinese kiwifruit juice as raw material, through alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation, produce a kind of kiwifruit vinegar, it has some health care functions.
The orange peel vinegar was produced by liquid fermentation through hydrolysis, alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation.
Pumpkinwas used as raw materials by alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fer-mentation, to prepare natural healthy drink.
The management of alcohol fermentation process is one of the keys in the production of vinegar.
Addition of cellulase in alcohol fermentation could shorten fermentation time and significantly increase alcohol output rate.
The alcohol fermentation rate equation with parameters of slope and intercept, which is simple and practical, is established.
This research take the Dangshan pear as a law material, pear vinegar was produced after alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation.
The utilization of cellulase in alcohol fermentation industry could evidently increase liquor yield and fuel alcohol yield, enhance the use rate of raw materials, and shorten fermentation time.
Using tree berries as raw material, tree berries fruit vinegar with a particular flavor was produced by alcohol fermentation, acetic acid fermentation, ageing, and clarification.
Orange was used as raw material by alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation to prepare natural healthy drink.
Clarification time could be shortened by using immobilized yeast for alcohol fermentation.
Yeast was immobilized to carry out alcohol fermentation, shortening the time to clarify.
The hawthorn is the main material and the fermentation carried out by alcohol fermentation and vinegar fermentation which were conducted by the way of bottom fermentation.
The health-production vinegar is made from the ripe bilberry's dregs and it should pass the processes of alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation.
The health-production vinegar is made from the ripe bilberry's dregs and it should pass the processes of alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation.