In Scotland, Alex Salmond is pushing ahead with minimum pricing policies, and yet in England there is a deafening silence where a substantive strategy should be.
CONFOUNDING all punditry, Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, led his Scottish National Party (SNP) to a stunning victory in the devolved Parliament's elections on May 5th.
苏格兰首席部长,Alex Salmond,带领其苏格兰民族党在5月5日的议会选举中取得了令人惊奇的胜利,这让所有自命权威的人感到困惑不解。
CONFOUNDING all punditry, Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, led his Scottish National Party (SNP) to a stunning victory in the devolved Parliament's elections on May 5th.
苏格兰首席部长,Alex Salmond,带领其苏格兰民族党在5月5日的议会选举中取得了令人惊奇的胜利,这让所有自命权威的人感到困惑不解。