Four UK enquiries have in recent years all concluded that animal testing gives scientifically important results that could not be obtained otherwise.
In the light of a theoretical review and practical analysis, it could be first of all concluded that non-literary written texts are all dialogic in nature.
The company has pulled its entire fashion-design process forward by about six months, with clothes conceived, samples produced and presentations to editors and retailers all concluded much earlier.
Promofoods concluded that the canned tuna did not, after all, pose a health risk.
Promofoods 公司的结论是,金枪鱼罐头最终没有构成健康风险。
These languages had so many similarities that it was concluded that they must have all come from the same source.
The experts concluded that a tolerable intake could be established for dioxins on the basis of the assumption that there is a threshold for all effects, including cancer.
In a final report, he concluded that all of them had been made by a cast from the fingerprint on the paint can.
In a paper published in 2003, Professor Parmesan concluded that half of all species were already altering their behaviour or shifting their range in response to global warming.
But that idyllic time is lost, all lost, and Kristof concluded that farms have lost their soul.
We're not doing well at all, they concluded.
All revelers fall into one of eight different personality types which are given away by their drinking techniques, Dr Glenn Wilson, a leading psychologist has concluded.
I have tackled all these, and more, elsewhere and concluded that the notion is still valid (Blackmore 1999, 2010a).
我已经处理了所有这些讨论和其他一些更多的讨论,我的结论是媒母的概念依然是有效成立的。 (Blackmore 1999,2010a)。
Thus, the expert panel concluded, with one exception, that "all existing evidence suggests that antihypertensive treatment results in no cognitive benefit."
We concluded the last inspection of the day at 5:30 pm. All in all, we visited and inspected 14 buildings.
So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are in God's hands, but no man knows whether love or hate awaits him.
All our arguments will be concluded to the questions such as whether the current international currency mechanism exists problems or not, whether we need to resolve the problem from this perspective.
I've concluded that I am, in fact, a failure, even though all my friends call me a successful business owner.
A: as we saw several hours ago, the Olympic torch relay in Canberra concluded safely and smoothly. It was a grand event with many passionate participants from all walks of life in Australia.
In discussions all weekend, including at two European summits, leaders worked on drawing up a package deal to save the euro that should be concluded in another round of summits on Wednesday.
A recent study by scientists at the World Bank concluded that the livestock industry is responsible for more than 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions.
He concluded that ROM was suffering from locked-in syndrome, that he was not, after all, neuro-vegetative.
Recreational screen time has an "independent, deleterious relationship" with cardiovascular events and death of all causes, the paper concluded, possibly because it induces metabolic changes.
The most comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has recently concluded that the entire Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 8, 851.8 km.
利用高端技术进行的最全面考古研究显示,其全长共8 851.8千米。
By now it can be concluded that the Semantics in Semantic Web services can be all defined and identified in the ServiceDescription.xml XML document.
到目前为止,可得出结论,语义Web服务中的语义可以全部在ServiceDescription .xml xml文档中进行定义和标识。
Researchers studying the various dialects of Japanese have concluded that all are descended from a founding language taken to the Japanese islands about 2,200 years ago.
McAfee concluded that "the problems faced were not separate things, they are all examples of the same thing, which is basically an effort to change business processes using IT."
They demanded an investigation of all agreements he concluded on the trip .
Because Orascom, an Egyptian company, owns 65% of its shares, the court concluded that it breaks antiquated foreign-ownership rules requiring all operators to be Canadian-controlled.
Because Orascom, an Egyptian company, owns 65% of its shares, the court concluded that it breaks antiquated foreign-ownership rules requiring all operators to be Canadian-controlled.