All my children and nieces and nephews were enjoying themselves - all except for my oldest son.
Reluctantly, she agreed to be wed and the kingdom celebrated the 17 nuptials, all except for the monk, Markus.
The children were being pulled away from the puddles and hurried along. All except for one... the little green-booted boy.
Within seconds the bar emptied with people running out screaming all over the place, all except for one old man leaned over the bar.
But nobody woke up and things stayed violet, all except for a single blue Jay who hadn't changed color and stayed the brightest blue.
When member states put in their plans for emissions allowances for their industry last autumn, the Commission slashed them all except for Britain's.
For all uses except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value.
I like all seasons except for summer.
All the code except for the following prerequisites is bundled in the download for this article.
Samburu children gather water in jugs from the Ewaso Nyiro River in Archer's Post, which flows all year except for periods of extreme drought.
The Juniper UTM is designed to allow all traffic except for that defined by the administrator as being a threat.
This applies to all data except for files that contain LONG FIELDS or LOBS.
除了对于包含LONGFIELDS或 LOBS 的文件,这适用于所有数据。
Rather than stripping out characters you don't want (blacklisting), you are stripping out all characters except for those you have explicitly stated are acceptable.
All the above is true except for the following signals.
All the attributes match except for the attribute named desc.
All these are tree models, except for the Navigation Selection model.
Gucci: To be honest, I like all of them, except for the math teacher.
This includes all the channel types mentioned above, except for SVR channels.
In my experience, customers usually have same configuration on all the nodes, except for buffer pools, which is a very important setting.
The CAMPUS_A_CLEANERS group is not configured to enter the campus, although it is configured to enter both buildings and all configured rooms except for the secure LABS.
The term "Vegetables "in this study included all vegetables except for root vegetables.
此项研究中的 “蔬菜”词条,包括除根茎类蔬菜之外的所有蔬菜。
The consultant there stopped all of her medications except for a low dose of a single antipsychotic.
They are very adaptable, populating all continents, except for the cold one.
In other words, asynchrony enables all remote operations except for the processing of returned data by the federated server to proceed concurrently.
Now, consider a rule 150 CA that starts out with all white cells, except for a single black cell in the center.
Life expectancy has dropped slightly for all Americans except for black men, who gained around two and a half months in longevity, according to a recent report.
A group of US embassy staffers left the room, mostly in a jubilant mood — all had passed except for one man, who only got 82 percent correct.
一批美国使馆工作人员离开考场后,大多数人都很兴奋- - -除一人外,所有人都通过了考试,那名没有通过的人只做对了82道题。
She recently submitted to a voluntary freeze on all spending, except for essentials like food.
She recently submitted to a voluntary freeze on all spending, except for essentials like food.