But all in a word, I firmly oppose saving cash dough.
Happiness comes from within above all in a word, a thought, a deed, or a smile.
It is quite diversify about the communication and management responsibility of the company's arrange. all in a word, it's a complicated question.
All in a word, the CWT is the mathematic tool of wideband active signal detection, and can underpin wideband active signal detection in theoretics and technique.
He was a true friend in all senses of the word.
If I sent a reply of any sort, all I would be doing is satisfying my own ego and getting in a jab or a last word.
In a word, to solve all the problems of the left-behind children needs the government, families and schools to try their best together.
In a word, family members can make us full of energy and powerful all the time.
If you guess a letter that appears in the word correctly, all occurrences of the letter are filled in.
For example, this would change the word "COLOR" into the string "CLOOR"; this string represents all the letters from the word "COLOR," but in a predictable (and more importantly, matchable) order.
In this case, I chose to give a simpler display that includes all the word forms for the synset in square brackets, the gloss, and then any further links to other synsets.
The ranking of a constructed name is then obtained by adding the integers corresponding to all the words in that constructed word.
You may want to retrieve all of the results from all of the files and run a second pass of sorting, or score based on the presence of the query word in the file.
More and more developers are choosing to borrow (and lend), making open source a bargain in all senses of the word.
But it wasn't necessarily all that useful; you simply type a word in and eventually many minutes later you get a response back.
I'm also going to adopt a convention for my finders specifying that any finder without the word all in its name is intended to find one instance.
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.
Pick a word you think sounds funny and say it over and over until it loses all meaning; or draw mustaches on every face in the newspaper.
People saw it in countries like Australia, the United States, Germany and Israel — all places where the word "Auschwitz" is still a metaphor for something so monstrous that it defies comprehension.
If you write a cover letter in a word-processing program, strip away all formatting and save the file as plain text.
First of all a whole word set in caps will look awful, it will drown out the rest of the text.
Before you go slashing all the functionality of your user pages, a word of caution is in order.
I was all ears and soaked every word in like a sponge.
They say the academic requirements laid out in Education Management’s advertisements were a sham and that the company accepted all students who completed applications and submitted 150-word essays.
Instead of saying whatever comes to our minds, whenever it comes to mind, instead of engaging in a flurry of digital messages and updates all day long, we should make each word count.
Didymus is the Greek word for "twin" and Thomas is from a Semitic word,either Hebrew or Aramaic, or Syriac,which are all three similar languages, "Thomas" would look like in "twin" in those.
He may have done a little in all these vocations, Mr Lockwood; but I couldn't give my word for any.
Nearly all of these questions can be answered, fully or in part, with reference to a single word: poverty.
What all this means is that the learning problem consists in not only learning a word to color mapping, but also in learning the peculiar color “maps” your language uses in the first place.
What all this means is that the learning problem consists in not only learning a word to color mapping, but also in learning the peculiar color “maps” your language uses in the first place.