Following her return, Savitskaya was selected to command an all-female Soyuz crew for a visit to Salyut 7, in observance of National Women's Day.
The message of today's observance is "Moving from Humiliation and Exclusion to Participation: Ending Poverty in All its Forms".
Members are fully responsible under this Agreement for the observance of all obligations set forth herein.
This week millions of people all around the world will officially mark the observance of Thanksgiving Day, although it is perfectly acceptable to feel thankful at any time during the year.
The observance of all legal regulations and patents is the responsibility of the user . Appropriate warnings and safe handing procedures should be provided to handlers and users.
The earliest observance of "mother's Day" can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who honored Rhea, the mother goddess of all deities, during the springtime.
The earliest observance of "mother's Day" can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who honored Rhea, the mother goddess of all deities, during the springtime.