In place of a labyrinth of disconnected jumbles of content they could create a strongly branded network of beautiful sites that all clearly belong in the same family.
We're going to try to photograph all the vehicles out there at the same time, get a family picture and see some interesting imagery we've never seen of the space station before.
After the "Origin," all organisms became connected, part of the same, profoundly ancient, family tree.
Although the creatures represent a wide range of the animal kingdom, they all appear to belong to the same dear, blunt-nosed family.
Just another fact that's interesting - 21 of the 26 senior leaders of the business all come from the same family.
Then I remembered the letters to Splash, and I realized those children felt the same way that I had as a kid in Boston, and still do — that we were all a small part of the Kennedy family.
The Ministry of Health is now reporting 18 laboratory-confirmed cases, of which three, all from the same family, have been fatal.
Meaning: All the boys, whether they are brothers or cousins, in one generation of a family will have the same first name.
Traditionally, all the members of an extended family lived in the same area.
It makes them feel as if they are all part of the same big family.
Sort of small groups of family doctors all working together in the same building. Now what you've got to do this morning is register with one of them.
The program provided the maintenance of the existing house and the construction of two houses at all identical, being inhabited by members of the same family.
Aodi's success is the outcome of joint efforts, we are all part of the family. In different positions act different roles for the same goal with our own contribution to.
And what would happen to family life if nine or ten generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?
Three Britons - all members of the same family - have been shot dead in eastern Pakistan, according to local police.
In the same piece of sky, we are all one family.
All members of CHS gene family in this study had high sequence similarity, more than 90% among the members in the same subfamily and more than 78% among different subfamilies at nucleotide level.
所有这些CHS成员具有很高的同源性:在核苷酸水平上同一亚家族内基本上高于90 %,不同亚家族间也在78%以上。
First of all, I was the mobilization of the whole class and his friends, at the same time to convince the family to give him warmth.
"We have a joyful family, and we all have the same kind of personality," fu's father FuChunsheng explained.
The same sense of overstretch is reflected across all three Forces, and 45 per cent of those questioned admitted they were not happy with the level of separation from family and friends.
Inheritance usually ends up creating a family of classes, all based on the same uniform interface. We express this with an inverted tree diagram: 5.
On the walls of the exhibition is a series of fifty sketches, all drawn from her memory of the same family photo but with subtle variations in each iteration.
The old houses all have the same eave and porch. Through any entrance, you can see each family of this village. It is really doortodoor.
All the other branches of the family were excluded, and the inheritance escheated to the Gentiles, or entire body of Roman citizens bearing the same name with the deceased.
Article 13 the meet families in the choice of housing aspects and different all want to receive the same floor when housing, by his residential all family drew lots to decide.
Article 13 the meet families in the choice of housing aspects and different all want to receive the same floor when housing, by his residential all family drew lots to decide.