Hydraulic cylinders, guide mechanisms and lifting mechanisms are arranged at all the four corners of the transverse walk device.
Oh! Society ought to be grasped by the four corners of the cloth and tossed into the air, all of it!
For example, a popular combination includes 1793 because these Numbers are at all four corners of the keypad.
If all lines are clear between the four corners of that square and the corners of a specific square in the target's space, the target does not have cover.
"What happens in America affects us all", is a common one coming from all four corners of the globe these days, especially with the US elections just days away.
I mean we all know that our voice can be delivered to the four corners of the globe over telephone lines.
All four of them seemed to be standing at the four corners of old age, which are decrepitude, decay, ruin, and sadness.
她们四个仿佛是在人生晚年的枯竭、凋残、衰颓、 愁惨这四只角上,各占一角。
Your best bet is to forget the pictures and concentrate on the large numbers in all four corners on the front and back.
The Gulf Stream is a global maritime current that will send the oil to all four corners of the globe.
The Gulf Stream is a global maritime current that will send the oil to all four corners of the globe.