Exercise warms you up, but it also causes you to lose body heat.
Don't just talk about what your new employer will gain by giving you the job, but also respectfully point out what they stand to lose if they don't take you on.
All have delivered the message that football is more than just a game. Football is not only about winning; it is also a school of life where you must learn to lose, and that is not easy.
Also, if you alter your domain model to not use the "default" package you lose the navigation decorators and the ability to generate Controllers and Views inside the ide.
If you've ever tried to lose weight, you know just how healthy whole grains are for your body; however, they are also great for your brain.
If you needed another excuse to eat it, chocolate might also help you lose weight.
And we'll also redirect all your old Spaces URLs to your new blog, so you don't lose any visitors along the way.
When you first start something (and also after you’ve been doing something for a while), it’s easy to lose touch with the core of what it is you’re doing.
The problem here is that you lose the ability to include only certain parts of the framework, and you also make maintenance more difficult.
When you first start something (and also after you've been doing something for a while), it's easy to lose touch with the core of what it is you're doing.
If you want to lose weight but also want to eat healthily the two pretty well go hand-in-hand.
When you're working on a file, it's saving constantly to RAM but also hopefully to disc, the hard disk so you don't actually lose it if the power goes off.
You lose track of time in there and also your hearing tends to fail, especially when it comes to picking up anguished banging on the door.
The new simplified rule seems to be that 10 calories fewer per day will also lose you about 1lb – but over three years
For a relationship to grow, you must also grow as an individual and not lose yourself.
To do this, you need to burn 500 to 1, 000 calories more than you consume each day. Also, don't expect to lose more of your body weight than is realistic.
要达到这样的效果,每天消耗的能量要比摄入的多500 - 1000卡,而且即使这样,也不要期待体重能减的太多。
So, while you may lose some excess body fat by restricting your food intake, you can also lose muscle tissue, leading to a decline of muscle strength and swimming performance.
Also, we've always believed that if you think you're going to lose, you're already defeated.
Han Xue: to lose weight the medicine will make the endocrine disorder, female endocrine disorders, harm is great. How do you say it, you get those is also.
Lose you also has nothing to do, but the sun is no longer warm, lively also has nothing to do with me.
Also hope to lose of "you" lead of happiness!
They also have this tendency of loosening up your resolve to lose weight and make you eat without thinking.
By doing so, not only can you manually introduce some colours that weren't in the picture before, it also helps to lose the photographic look of the textures.
Also note that the actual numbers of why's is not important as long as you get to the root cause. One might well ask why did you lose all your money in the poker game last night?
Also note that the actual numbers of why's is not important as long as you get to the root cause. One might well ask why did you lose all your money in the poker game last night?