We know altered states are general human capacities.
We'll be too busy exploring altered states of consciousness.
You can easily reach altered states of your mind, all you need is stereo earphones.
Chemically altered states are typically not linked with moral goodness because the high is typically seen as unearned.
All changes, increases, decreases, alternations, and altered states - they are experienced by His creatures, in accordance with His divine will.
If she does not recover pretty much full brain function, her mental states will be altered, and she may not be able to function in Congress as she did before the bullet damaged her brain.
He was believed to have altered his appearance and traveled throughout Europe, Mexico, Canada and the United States.
Our photo policy states clearly: 'No colors will be altered from the original scene photographed. ' Our news stories and photos are not interpretive forms of art.
This could not only give key insights about how mammalian brains evolve over time but also about how information networks are affected or altered in disease states.
This could not only give key insights about how mammalian brains evolve over time but also about how information networks are affected or altered in disease states.