Jack ran to do a side turn, jumped up and grabbed the monkey rod, and pulled himself across rapidly alternating his hands.
Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.
Even more surprising, he said, when game A and B are played randomly, with no order in the alternating sequence, winnings also go up and up.
Adding a background color on alternating rows.
It is a common characteristic of the so-called promoter regions of genes, where transcription begins, that they contain long, repetitive sequences of alternating Cs and Gs.
The system generates a direct current, so using it to power DC devices locally is more efficient than switching to the alternating current needed to feed it back to the grid.
The wall is built of alternating sections of stone and earth, with some sections reaching a height of up to 4 meters.
By alternating jogging and running, the former national champion sumo wrestler also finished at a personal best time.
So, in most cases you will need a meaningful header, an optimal number of columns, pagination, alternating row colors, proper column alignment, sorting and filtering capabilities and much more.
Unfortunately, we depend on alternating waves of assimilation and accommodation to adapt to a constantly changing world.
If your swelling has gone down significantly, but there's still some inflammation, try alternating heat and ice after a few days of ice-only treatment.
Each crystal structure consists of alternating layers of silicon dioxide and a polymer material, so that the spacing between similar layers matches the wavelength of phonons.
Di Achille said the shoreline evidence was found along a broad delta and included a series of alternating ridges and troughs thought to be surviving remnants of beach deposits.
In some parts of the world, cyclists have been powering safety lights for years with devices called bicycle dynamos, which use a generator to create alternating current with every turn of the wheels.
The signals are polarised in opposite directions, and the resulting images displayed as alternating rows of pixels on a high-definition television screen.
That, or a sensuous city life of alternating between street art missions and serving time.
The test plan can be configured to produce a steady-state workload or to introduce variability by alternating the load between multiple virtual machine groups.
BIN mode: Records the audit events to two alternating temporary BIN files, and then appends them to a single audit trail file.
This results in alternating periods of quiescence and activity - remarkably like the build-up and collapse of a sand pile.
Each team plays each other once, with home advantage alternating on a yearly basis.
Alternating between a deterministic and a non-deterministic node selection effectively solves the bottleneck problem.
Nanjing, this city so rich in culture and nature that one will find themselves alternating between ancient and modern with every step with a canopy of cooling foliage overhead.
In particular alternating a technical change with a cultural change gives breathing space for changes to settle in.
Both the concepts of alternating the height of each window seat and using steps to create a second tier of middle seating are incorporated here.
You will often find yourself alternating between low light and daylight, so make sure you reset the ISO to the lowest setting immediately after you have finished shooting at a higher sensitivity.
Combined with the variable backside facade plans, it reduces the building depth and creates a visual together of alternating volumes and depths.
There are six lists of hurricane names, with alternating male and female monikers - one year "a" is a male name, the next it's a female - that are recycled every six years.
There are six lists of hurricane names, with alternating male and female monikers - one year "a" is a male name, the next it's a female - that are recycled every six years.