Packed bed reactors (100) that have a series of alternating layers of packing.
One common method uses alternating layers of welded wire matting with layers of compacted back-fill earth from the landscaping site.
Images from a camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show alternating layers of dark- and light-toned rock in a giant rift valley.
Scales on the wings are made up of tiny structures that researchers say resemble the inside of an egg carton, with alternating layers of cuticle and air.
stratovolcano: a steep-sloped, conical structure composed of alternating layers of hardened lava, solidified ash, and rocks thrown out by earlier eruptions.
Each crystal structure consists of alternating layers of silicon dioxide and a polymer material, so that the spacing between similar layers matches the wavelength of phonons.
Piezoelectric sensors and actuators may be considered as multilayer laminated composites consisting of alternating layers of piezoelectric and non-piezoelectric materials.
It is not English and it is not a soup. Instead, it is a simple cake of ladyfingers or sponge cake, soaked in liquor, and alternating layers of chocolate and egg custard .
Outside the straps, alternating layers of aluminized fabric and foam absorb and disperse the impacts of micrometeoroids, providing better protection than metal structures, Dr. Schneider said.
The original stone is black, colored limestone, thin strip with alternating layers of white, gray stripe dolomite rock, black and white alternate with, commonly known as "dao" black and white.
The museum explores the shifting viewpoints, layers of space, and expanses of mist and water, which characterize the deep alternating spatial mysteries of early Chinese painting.
Numerical tests suggest that the method has the capability of resolving low-velocity layers, thin alternating high and low velocity layers, and noise suppression.
Compared with the uniform PZT thin films, the PZT multilayer with alternating dense-PZT and porous-PZT layers exhibits an enhancement both in ferroelectric and dielectric performances.
Under the influences of mantle and lower crust, the low-velocity layers alternating with high conductive layers distribution occurred in middle crust.
Layout III When palletizing the goods, the tray is placed on the ground and can be placed to three layers to save the alternating time of tray.
Layout III When palletizing the goods, the tray is placed on the ground and can be placed to three layers to save the alternating time of tray.