With these statistics in mind, art students need not worry about their careers and have an alternative plan.
I'd like to suggest an alternative plan.
An alternative plan is to apply for a loan.
Theodorou attended several meetings of a charity seeking an alternative plan for the site.
If you don't like the idea of not sleeping for almost 15 years, here's an alternative plan.
Even as they did so, conservative House Republicans were maneuvering to block it with an alternative plan.
Most reasonable people are willing to alter their actions, especially if you have an alternative plan in mind, Mr.
If this alliance is not formed, the Light forces have an alternative plan to carry out the compression breakthrough.
If only one XML index is available, then DB2 cannot apply this guideline and will instead produce the cheapest alternative plan.
如果只有一个xml索引是可用的,那么DB 2将无法应用这个准则,因而将生成成本最低的替代计划。
Republicans almost uniformly oppose the climate change bill, and have put forward an alternative plan calling for 100 new nuclear plants.
The application of this system to electrical conductance measurement demonstrates that it is an alternative plan for equipment reformation.
In 1964 the trio, all in their thirties, published an alternative plan that suggested, first and foremost, the building of a new city across the harbour.
Details about that alternative plan will not be released on this blog, I will just say it will not alter much the way an average human will experience the Event.
This approach utilizes HNP software as a tool for analyzing alternative plans which includes a Multi-criteria Evaluation Model and Plan Information Management System.
But at the same time Barack Obama was hitting the road to sell an alternative plan that relies more heavily on tax increases to achieve somewhat less deficit reduction.
对此民主党方面没有一位议员投赞成票,同时巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)也开始推销另一项备选方案,希望更多依赖增税来实现稍显保守的赤字削减。
'They've been asked to address the issue of bankruptcy in their plan but not to have that as an alternative plan,' Mr. Levin said in a phone interview. 'that's my understanding.
The alternative is to cut and paste the generated plan and deploy it as part of the application archive.
Now The Financial Times is adding to its paid-content strategy with a plan to accept micropayments for individual articles, as an alternative to a subscription.
The plan also creates a new alternative minimum tax (initially 16%, rising to 19%) on firms.
The optimizer relies on statistics to properly cost alternative query execution plans (QEPs) and choose the most optimal plan.
As you move along Plan a of your career, maintain a Plan B as well -an alternative course to rely.
In addition, Congress in October approved $17 billion in alternative energy tax breaks as part of the $700 billion bank rescue plan.
另外,作为 7000 亿美元银行拯救方案的一部分,国会在十月份批准了 170 亿美元的新能源减税方案。
I think you plan is very good, but do you have any alternative to replace it.
From the historic city centre to the sprawling slums of the periphery, the SAAL process introduced new housing typologies and brought to view alternative ways to plan the city.
Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategies.
Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategies.