Photo Gallery: Clouds Fluffy altocumulus undulatus clouds stain the sky red above a row of trees.
Ripples of altocumulus or cirrocumulus clouds-resembling the markings of a king mackerel-give the phenomenon its name.
Altocumulus clouds are small cumulus clouds that are knitted tightly together. These storm clouds often darken the land.
They are referred to as "alto" clouds and bear such names as altostratus, which are flat, or altocumulus (pictured), which are puffy.
Altocumulus lacunosus. “An elusive prize for any cloud collector,” lacunosus clouds form when sinking pockets of air create holes in a cloud layer.
高积网状云。 “对于所有的观云爱好者来说,能欣赏到这种难以捉摸的云彩无异于恩赐,”当下沉的气团在云层中形成空洞时,网状云便出现了。
Altocumulus lacunosus. “An elusive prize for any cloud collector,” lacunosus clouds form when sinking pockets of air create holes in a cloud layer.
高积网状云。 “对于所有的观云爱好者来说,能欣赏到这种难以捉摸的云彩无异于恩赐,”当下沉的气团在云层中形成空洞时,网状云便出现了。