Travel insurance can be arranged easily online or over the phone, but you can always turn to your local travel agency.
You can always turn to your teachers when you are stuck on any questions.
Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name.
When death takes away a loved one from you, then the best way to deal with it is to turn to your friends and family. Always accept the assistance that is offered, as it will mitigate your grief.
If no answer comes, turn it over to your subconscious mind prior to sleep, and the answer always comes. It never fails.
If this angel feels that your life is full of pain and you always feel excessively sad, She would turn into someone else beside you.
Because a strong Saturn is always critical to your career progress, this planet's turn to speedier orbit will be a blessing.
To ensure that, always turn on namespace awareness when you build your DOM tree.
When times get hard, you can always turn to your chart and see how far you've come.
What you’re passionate about won’t always turn out to be a success, but following your interests will surely increase your chances of succeeding.
What you're passionate about won't always turn out to be a success, but following your interests will surely increase your chances of succeeding.
Since temptation always begins with a thought, the quickest way to neutralize its allure is to turn your attention to something else.
Once you change the opinion of life, you will discover your time turn to be more enriched(5) and happiness is always around you.
As always, time will be best judge; but in the meanwhile we turn to you for feedback and stories about how your businesses are preparing for 'web 3.0'.
If you want to have your outgoing E-mail to always include some message, such as your contact information, you can turn on this feature in the preferences page (Edit mode).
At this point, it is always advisable that you turn to your parents, your teachers, and your friends for help if you cannot make the decision.
The Extender is always on and running, ready for you to turn on your TV, watch a show, or view some pictures.
Answer: you can always turn off global logging by setting global_logging to N. However, if you want to shave every millisecond from your stored procedure's execution time, comment out all CALL DB2.
解答:可以通过将global_logging设置成n来全局地关闭日志功能。然而,如果希望节省存储过程执行时的每一毫秒的时间,那么在确信SQL - PL和外部存储过程都已经准备好之后,就可以注释掉所有的CALL DB2。
Opportunity is always behind your back. You can only catch it, when you are willing and able to turn around.
If your partner is always waiting for their turn to speak, you might be dating the wrong person.
I go off before you turn back. Actually you don't know that I will always turn back to see your figure when you turn yourself?
Always life is not determined by your wish, whereas, it may turn out to be the opposite.
Mark: Susan, you always turn your nose up at anything I want to do.
Your development towards wisdom is a process of experimentation, trial and error, so it's inevitable things will not always go to plan or turn out how you'd want.
The client always thinks your "cut" of your billing rate is higher than it actually is, and in turn, expects miracles from you.
Always turn on your receiver before arming the control.
While it's impossible to turn off your reactions to what others think of you, you don't have to compare yourself to others, and you can always take people's opinions with a grain of salt.
Face the light: Lights can dispel shadows and create soft features on your face, so always try to turn your face toward the main light source.
Face the light: Lights can dispel shadows and create soft features on your face, so always try to turn your face toward the main light source.