It seems I am the only one in our district who lets people know about the disease. Others still hide... in my case, my husband was infected, and then, me, and our child.
"I am concerned because when my mom drives she talks on the phone a lot so she is still alert but she can get kind of dangerous," reported one young teen.
But international business consultants, of which I was and still am one, will always tell you that "translation" means far more than just translating the words.
On the occasion, Fecteau affirmed "This is still my outfit and always will be," and Downey declared "I am proud to be one of you."
I am meant not to be a villain, even if I try to be one. In general and basically, I'm still one of those who are beneficial and harmless to the mankind and our society.
Then I jokingly said, "I am the last one to be interviewed in this group, but I also hope that I will still be a one to receive your offer!"
接着我调侃式地说:“i am thelastonetobeinterviewed inthisgroup,but ialsohopethat iwillstill beaone toreceive an offer !”
I am using dS rather than dA because I still want to think of dA as maybe the area in one of the coordinate planes like the one we had in double integrals. You will see later where this comes in.
We could still have beaten Portugal, but I am not convinced that the way we lined up gets the best out of Wayne Rooney, who is one of our world-class talents.
I know this is not the point of "I cannot finish a movie one day", I am still confused sometimes of considering what I should do now.
I am trying to share this divine beauty with as many people as possible, so one day our kids may still have the chance to see what I have seen.
Although our generation has received much criticism, I am still proud of being one of the 90 generations.
'We are still the America that looks out for one another, bound by our shared belief that I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper.
Everything is the same, but you are not here, and I still am. In separation the one goes away suffer less than the one stays behind.
Alone, late at night I am still one person, not for whom the stay, but waiting for you.
I still haven't spoken to the boss, but I am feeling good. There still are some problems and those won't go away, but I trust this year will be better than the past one.
A group of editors and researchers started them. I am the only one who is still working on them from those early days.
Still more efforts are needed to bring the office to carbon neutral, however, with increasing awareness and efforts from every one in the office, I am optimistic about the progress.
I am looking for new good friends over the Internet. Nowadays it is hard to find sincere and reliable people, but I still hope that one can meet such people anywhere in the world.
I am comforted that: children are still very small, and she grew up, after all, who one day will understand her favorite, but the way you love and her sense of identity not the same.
I might be able to spend one week in the United States and am still arranging the itinerary.
I will resign today SamSung President one duty, I am very sad, because still a lot of things want to do, very long way wants, but I can take away the mistake in the past along with all the others.
So put it in your mind that I am yours and no matter the situation maybe you still gonna have me and no one else, make an oath in your heart and it will happen.
So put it in your mind that I am yours and no matter the situation maybe you still gonna have me and no one else, make an oath in your heart and it will happen.