On the worst day for American shares since March 2003, sell orders were so heavy that at one point the New York Stock Exchange could not process them all.
So far this year, more than 95 have started trading on American markets alone, many of these on the New York Stock Exchange, which sees ETF listings as a key source of listings income.
The targetsallegedly included the London Stock Exchange and the American embassy.
The American Stock Exchange airline index was up 10 per cent at lunchtime yesterday.
As the new millennium dawned, the new York Stock Exchange was self-evidently the nodal point of a vast global economic network that was American in design and largely American in ownership.
随着新千年的到来,纽约证交所(New YorkStock Exchange)已经不言自明地成为一个庞大全球经济网络的节点,这个网络由美国人设计,也基本上为美国人所有。
Reva Medical did what a small but increasing number of young American companies are doing — it looked abroad for money, in Reva’s case the Australian stock exchange.
In January a subsidiary of NASDAQ, an American stock exchange, launched a central clearing house for interest-rate swaps.
The company also has American depositary receipts that trade on the New York Stock Exchange.
In 4 p.m. composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Sony's American depositary shares were up 93 cents, or 1.9%, to $50.01.
The Motor Company is listed on the American Stock Exchange, the first time Harley-Davidson is publicly traded since 1969, the year of the AMF merger.
The American Stock Exchange building is really a massive building in NewYork.
The second largest is the American Stock Exchange, which also has headquarter offices in New York City.
There is the biggest American Stock Exchange in the Wall Street.
And also the shares are traded in the form of American Depositary Receipts in New York Stock Exchange.
The American Stock Exchange building is really a massive building in New York.
On the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon, the company's American depository receipts were trading down $1.10, or 1.6 percent, to $67.20.
On the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon, the company's American depository receipts were trading down $1.10, or 1.6 percent, to $67.20.