Some in France are scandalised that the American judicial system could wreck the professional life of a man convicted of no crime.
The author hereby presents an inside study on this topic in this essay by a comparing method, with some practice introduced from American judicial system.
The American-sponsored judicial system was supposed to protect Iraqis' civil rights.
The excluding or admitting of evidence is not only the core issue in Anglo-American evidence law, but also an important part of the theoretical research and judicial practice in Civil law System.
American judicial ADR plays an active role in dispersing cases and alleviating burden of the judicial system. So it has produced an important influence in the world.
The American due process system is the important measure of interfering the government power and action by judicial power of court, it's purpose is to guarantee the individual rights.
The American due process system is the important measure of interfering the government power and action by judicial power of court, it's purpose is to guarantee the individual rights.