The content of peptides in fermented liquid first increased and then decreased, so as to indicate that the soy protein was hydrolyzed into peptide and then into free amino acid during fermentation.
Based on this experimental fact, a method of determining the LP (s) in fermentation broth by the way of amino acid analyses is suggested.
In this research, compound amino acids (glutamic acid and arginine) were added in litchi juice as nitrogen source and their effects on the fermentation progress were studied.
The fermented and nonfermented products contained similar amino acid, which proved out that deodorized sea snakes after fermentation had the same functions as before.
"Our method is based on lactic acid fermentation," explains Dr Blom. "Acrylamide is formed as a reaction between the amino acid asparagine and simple sugars such as glucose and fructose."
"Our method is based on lactic acid fermentation," explains Dr Blom. "Acrylamide is formed as a reaction between the amino acid asparagine and simple sugars such as glucose and fructose."