Overloads of amino acid nitrogen could increase stress response, increase urinary nitrogen excretion and deteriorate the respiratory function.
The mechanical cell breaking could obviously increase the rate of autolysis and improve yield and the content of amino acid nitrogen in supernatant.
With the rapeseed meals as raw material, peptide recovery ratio, soluble nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen as the indexes, the craft that rapeseed peptide was produced with Bacillus.
The influence of bleeding sap and Nitrate-nitrogen, Amino acid in root sap of K4 which grown in the zone is researched in seed treatments and initial bloom stage after spraying on leaf with EDTA-Mn.
The results show that the content of amino-acid nitrogen (AAN) can be increased in the hydrolysates when using mixed enzymes and the flavor of the hydrolysates is also improved.
Drought increased, while waterlogging reduced the contents of total nitrogen and free amino acid in stem and sheath, and that of protein in grain.
In recent research, during nitrogen metabolism, animals absorbed not only amino acid, but also plenty of biological peptides.
The result showed that Yield and straw crude protein contents and true protein contents and amino acid contents of forage green maize were obviously increased after nitrogen application.
The total content of amino acid in fruits was related to nitrogen content and fertilizer and water management.
All the 4 strains of cellulolytic bacteria and mixed rumen microbes can grow in the chemically defined medium with ammonia-nitrogen or peptide or amino acid as the sole nitrogen source.
In this research, compound amino acids (glutamic acid and arginine) were added in litchi juice as nitrogen source and their effects on the fermentation progress were studied.
There were not significant difference among different nitrogen about yield, volume weight of seed, the content of crude protein, amino acid and nitrate, total nitrogen.
The soy sauce mixing with pigment and salt may be identified by determining the content of nitrogen formed in amino acid and the content of pigment.
Seperation of Amino Nitrogen and Fruit Acid (malic acid) in Apple Juice;
Seperation of Amino Nitrogen and Fruit Acid (malic acid) in Apple Juice;