He receives significant discussion in the Forgotten Man: a New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes.
That kind of company might put most authors off, so Amity Shlaes, a columnist with Bloomberg, should be congratulated for squaring up to them.
这类公司可能会让大多数的作者生畏,而值得庆贺的是Amity Shaels,这位Bloomberg的专栏作家却坚持面对它们。
That kind of company might put most authors off, so Amity Shlaes, a columnist with Bloomberg, should be congratulated for squaring up to them.
这类公司可能会让大多数的作者生畏,而值得庆贺的是Amity Shaels,这位Bloomberg的专栏作家却坚持面对它们。