The fairies are to put it high up among the tree tops where they sleep at nights.
If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing?
Whether or not we can catch up on sleep on the weekend, say — is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers.
Whether or not we can catch up on sleep—on the weekend, say—is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers.
The researchers concluded: "Insufficient night-time sleep among infants and pre-school-age children appears to be a lasting risk factor for subsequent obesity."
Among the children who got the recommended amount of sleep, the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems was nil, Gozal said.
Among participants younger than 40, the study found, those who said they slept for five hours or less each night gained more belly fat than those who averaged six or seven hours of sleep.
None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken
Yet polls clearly show that their diet, sleep, and exercise efforts are among the poorest of any single occupation in the country.
Among one of the freakiest things that happened this one made me not want to sleep in my own bed for a week.
Sleep, according to the order, is not among the basic necessities.
Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many on-the-job accidents is fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers.
Even while you sleep among the campfires, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold.
Among teenagers of both genders, those who slept less tended to eat food in the early morning, and tended to consume more of their daily calories at that time than those with more sleep.
The evolution theory explains the differences in sleep among animals.
Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.
This resulted in the widespread adoption of sleep mode among consumer electronics.
Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.
Poor sleep habits are among the most common problems encountered in our society.
The evolution theory explains the differences in sleep among animals.
Although the need for sleep does not necessarily decrease with age the incidence of sleep disturbances appears to increase with age particularly among women.
Statistically significant thinner RNFL measurements were found in the group with sleep apnea than among controls.
Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.
'You'll sleep here, among the coffins,' she said.
Eguchi's study examined the connection between sleep and heart disease among elderly people.
The analyzing result of log-linear model shows that there are correlations among sleep quality and anxiety, depression in medical college students.
Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.
Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.