The key feature of our simplified design method is the introduction of a proper amplification coefficient inver…
In construction design, there is still no a reasonable uniform cost about the rigidity amplification coefficient of center beam and boundary beam.
The results indicate that the moment amplification coefficient at the bottom section of columns in the ground floor should be compatible to that of the upper stories;
Then, the structural influencing coefficient and displacement amplification factor are calculated and compared with the analysis result of Pushover method.
This paper reports a simple similar amplification of polymerization tank. The formula is reliable by production. The coefficient and the efficiency are feasible.
Some parameters such as fiber length, dispersion slope, nonlinearity coefficient, and pump power have important impact on gain and bandwidth in optical fiber amplification system.
Numerical examples are given to illustrate the influence of saturation, soil properties, layer thickness, coefficient of viscoelasticity, and frequency on the motion amplification.
Numerical examples are given to illustrate the influence of saturation, soil properties, layer thickness, coefficient of viscoelasticity, and frequency on the motion amplification.