We have obtained the self-similar pulse amplitude function, phase function, strict linear chirp function, and thee?ective temporal pulse width.
In the treatment the concept of generalized circle is introduced so that the complete amplitude function is obtained which is a component of the solution.
So, for example, if we were looking at the actual wave function, we would say that these parts here have a positive amplitude, and in here we have a negative amplitude.
A formula of harmonic current amplitude for CSI PWM is derived in this paper. An objective function of pulsating torque is also derived.
The variation of R wave amplitude has little relation with cardiac output, heart pumping function, especially with pulmonary wedge pressure.
The electromagnetic vibrational machine which has function of automatic frequency follow-up and stable amplitude was studied.
The loads and the distribution of stress amplitude frequency are obtained by cycle count and reliable data for fatigue design are provided by probability density function fit.
It is pointed out that the wave function of system can be exactly solved if the perturbation only depends on the time, and the exact expression of transition probability amplitude can be obtained.
While impulse forces not acting on the centroid, the influence of accessional attack Angle oscillation amplitude, impulse force scale and function time interval on range correction was discussed.
A analytic function can be derived to fit the observed amplitude value curve.
Therefore, the amplitude of AV plane displacement can be used to assess the left ventricular diastolic function.
Exactly when that happens depends on the level of persistence, the overall amplitude of the Perlin function and the bit resolution of your screen (or whatever).
The amplitude transmittance of one of them is assumod to be the same function as the coherent impulse response of the system, and that of the other being complex conjugate of the former.
Objective To study the cognitive function, P3 amplitude and P3 latency change in depressive patients prior and post-treatment.
目的研究首发抑郁症患者治疗前后的认知功能,P 3潜伏期和波幅的变化及影响因素。
The amplitude ratio of the mainlobe to sidelobe of window function is an important index and so is the maximal energy ratio.
A window function which has a flat top in frequency domain is designed to correct the amplitude error caused by Picket_Fence effect.
Adjusting the vibrating amplitude easily and having the function of amplitude.
The coding used to impress information on the wave can be a function of the frequency (the number of waves or cycles per second) or amplitude of the waves or cycles.
Electromagnetic properties (such as a voltage amplitude) of the target region are altered in the presence of the resonance modulator, and serve as an indicator of immune function.
A time history is synthesized from this amplitude spectrum and a random phase spectrum, combined with an envelope function.
The amplitude variations of HRTFs are measured as a function of sound source locations. In this paper, the methods and the results of the HRTF measurement in recent years are analyzed.
According to the given experimental constant amplitude fatigue life group data, the three parameter exponential function equation can be adopted to describe the constant fatigue P-S-N curve.
对于给定的等幅疲劳成组试验数据,利用三参数幂函数方程来描述P - S - N等幅曲线。
The amplitude spectrum line and the amplitude spectrum function are proposed for the airborne particle scattering light signal, and their properties are studied in probability space.
针对粒度仪标定的准确度 ,在概率空间基础上 ,提出了尘埃粒子散射光信号幅度概率谱线和散射光信号幅度概率谱函数的概念 ,并对谱线在概率空间下的性质进行了研究。
The function on signal amplitude density distribution is clearly defined.
Compared with the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the window functions often used at present, its property has an advantage over the rising-cosine function improved.
Based on Tchebycheff distribution and Taylor distribution, this paper presents a new amplitude distribution-normal distribution, the density function of which is used to design an antenna array.
The function blocks of the low field NMR circuit system are analyzed at first. Then the signal amplitude is calculated. The antenna interface and the preamplifier are studied in detail at last.
The frequency response function was a function of stiffness and damping when a rotor vibrated, so a proper adjustment of stiffness and damping could reduce the vibration amplitude.
The characteristics of audio system represented by a complex transfer function include not only amplitude response but also phase response.
The characteristics of audio system represented by a complex transfer function include not only amplitude response but also phase response.