Discarded fishing lines or nets entrap sea life, amputating fins or strangling them.
Accepting yourself isn't about amputating your ambition. It's about owning your self-worth.
I felt this was a drastic measure, akin to amputating a gangrenous limb to save a patient's life.
Accepting yourself isn't about amputating your ambition. It's about owning your self-worth. — Kris Carr.
When amputating the corrugator, we should operate carefully under direct vision to avoid damaging superaortibal nerve.
Electronics giants are used to being diversified and vertically integrated: they regard selling a subsidiary as akin to amputating an arm.
Objective: To study the influence of amputating cricopharyngeal muscle and unilateral pharyngeal constrictor after total laryngectomy on vocal restoration.
He says he helped stop doctors who were considering amputating Lynch 's wounded right foot at the hospital, where four guards with guns stood outside her room.
Over the next several days, he drank his own urine to stay hydrated and experimented with the idea of amputating his arm with a pocketknife, but he had no way of sawing through two bones in his arm.
Over the next several days, he drank his own urine to stay hydrated and experimented with the idea of amputating his arm with a pocketknife, but he had no way of sawing through two bones in his arm.