The method, developed with support from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Packard Foundation, works by changing the programming that controls an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
The surface of the gold film, the microstructure of the polyurethane film and the surfaces with adsorbed proteins were imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM).
Morphology of functional polysiloxane film and their orientation on fiber have been observed and studied by an atomic force probe microscope (AFM) and other instruments.
The electrochemical method and atomic force microscope(AFM) were applied to study the inhibition mechanism of Im-D, an imidazoline derivate inhibitor, for mild steel in CO2 saturated solution.
The Young's modulus of silicon nano-beam on <100> direction was measured by bending test method using an atomic force microscope(AFM).
The Young's modulus of silicon nano-beam on <100> direction was measured by bending test method using an atomic force microscope(AFM).