Let's hope that news was worth the ordeal for the study's guinea pigs, who had been single for an average of 63 days, after relationships that lasted an average of 21 months.
It's a waste of a precious mineral - not to mention money - to take your car in every 3,000 miles or three months, experts say.On average, most cars don't need an oil change for 7,500 miles.
你实际上是在浪费珍贵的资源- - -并不是指浪费金钱,而是指在汽车每行驶3000英里或者你的驾驶时间达到三个月的时候,便去更换机油的行为。专家称,平均来说,大多数的车在行驶了7500英里的时候才有必要更换机油。
The best I could do was to share with him that the average time to prepare for such an exam was three months or more, with a committed study time of an hour a day or more, then I wished him good luck.
During the last 12 months, an average of up to 200 food safety incidents per month have been investigated by WHO and FAO to determine their public health impact.
Even in Britain, which is not shy of locking people up, only 5, 000-10, 000 of the roughly 450, 000 who are arrested every year go to jail, and then for an average of 2.2 months.
甚至在英国,一个对监禁毫不手软的国度,每年只有5,000- 10,000人被逮捕然后监禁,平均监禁期限为2.2个月。而该国当年被监禁的总人数高度450,000。
Over the last four months, job creation has slowed to an average of just 40,000 jobs, or 0.1 percent, according to the Labor Department's survey of employers.
They fall behind by an average of over two months in their reading. Richer children actually improve their performance.
SIX months ago Germany’s four biggest power companies thought they had a deal: the lives of their 17 nuclear plants would be extended for an average of 12 years.
SIX months ago Germany's four biggest power companies thought they had a deal: the lives of their 17 nuclear plants would be extended for an average of 12 years.
As a result, global temperatures dropped by an average of 0.5 degrees C over the next 18 months.
They fall behind by an average of over two months in their reading.
But those under most pressure to drop pounds gained the most in the months after their marriage, with an average weight gain of 2.14kg.
In the past five recoveries, the return from high-yielders has beaten that from low-yielders by an average of 29 percentage points in the six months after the trough.
What's more, people using the remedies were two-thirds less likely to progress to diabetes during the studies, which ran for an average of nine months.
My average output in the past few months was only been an average of 1-2 articles per week, so I decided to set a 30 article goal to stretch me to write a lot more than I normally do.
我在过去几个月的平均产量是平均每周只有1- 2篇文章,所以我决定设定一个30篇的目标,让自己比平常写的更多。
Things have speeded up: in 1997 it took an average of 22 months to decide whether to offer someone leave to remain; in 2007 it took seven months.
Companies' total wage costs in the six months to September were 22% higher than a year earlier, compared with an average increase of around 12% in the previous four years.
公司薪资总成本在直到9月份的过去半年里比一年前提高了22%。 而在之前的四年中,平均增长率在12%左右。
It's a waste of a precious mineral - not to mention money - to take your car in every 3,000 miles or three months, experts say. On average, most cars don't need an oil change for 7,500 miles.
你实际上是在浪费珍贵的资源- - -并不是指浪费金钱,而是指在汽车每行驶3000英里或者你的驾驶时间达到三个月的时候,便去更换机油的行为。专家称,平均来说,大多数的车在行驶了7500英里的时候才有必要更换机油。
Dr Buys and her colleagues followed over 78, 000 women between the ages of 55 and 74 who had no family history of ovarian cancer, for an average of 12 months.
An average of three months is being added to life expectancy every year at the moment and experts estimate there could be a million centenarians across the world by 2030.
This lysozyme modeling work has used an average of four racks of BlueGene/L processors for several months to generate an aggregate of more than 10 microseconds of molecular dynamics data.
这项溶解酵素建模工作平均要使用 4 组BlueGene/L处理器花费几个月的时间来生成超过10微秒的分子动态数据。
Since mid - June, an average of 400-500 new cases per week have been reported, with 3541 cases reported during the last 2 months.
自6月中以来,已报告每周平均发生400- 500例新的病例,在过去2个月期间报告了3541例。
A study in Canada showed that as a last-ditch treatment for colorectal cancer, Erbitux lengthened lives by an average of about one and a half months compared with not treating the cancer at all.
After all, last year Delany's clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh's clients took nine.
In the six months since its launch Qifang has arranged 2,500 loans worth an average of $400 each, with terms of between one and three years.
In Jamaica, remittances shrank by an average of 14% in November and December compared with the same months in 2007.
In Jamaica, remittances shrank by an average of 14% in November and December compared with the same months in 2007.