This project is applied to the control circuit of the frequency converter power source of for measuring ground resistance in an electric substation.
Grounding resistance is an important technical parameter of grounding system of electric power plant and transformer substation.
Substation electric energy remote terminal unit(ERTU) is an important plant-level device for substation data acquisition, and it is obviously a part of digital substation system.
The invention provides an electromechanically integrated a. c. sampling unit applicable to measuring and controlling systems for power plant, substation and industrial electric equipment.
The synthetic and automatic system of substation is an important equipment for the reconstruction of electric power net.
The anti-taking degating device in substation is an important measure to prevent personal and serious facility accidents caused by incorrect operation in electric equipment running.
The anti-taking degating device in substation is an important measure to prevent personal and serious facility accidents caused by incorrect operation in electric equipment running.