CAM is an emerging technology.
This is an emerging technology, so your input will be greatly appreciated.
Smart Dust is an emerging technology come from tiny, wireless sensors.
Virtual reality technology is an emerging technology and widely used in many fields.
Based on direct drive servo motor CNC bending machine technology is an emerging technology.
The application of vortex separation in rainstorm runoff pollutant control is an emerging technology.
Bitcoin is but the most famous example of an emerging technology network with the potential to improve banking.
If great ideas are informed by an emerging technology, fantastic! But technology alone does not a great idea make.
Vulnerability scanning technology is an emerging technology, to solve it from another angle issue of network security.
As an emerging technology, microreaction technology is becoming an increasingly hot spot in the global fine chemical industry.
This system can realize directional propagation of sound in the air, and it is an emerging technology with extensive applications.
Evolutionary testing is an emerging technology for automatic test data generation, it has been successfully applied in engineering practice.
Even though it's still an emerging technology, it is expected to integrate different types of wireless communications at much higher speeds.
The conversion to plug-in, it said, "is meant to give a glimpse of an emerging technology, rather than present a viable alternative to a current car."
So just like Web 2.0 is an emerging technology, I'm not part of marketing and I'm not part of sales and I work with some real great super geeks, mostly developers.
正如Web 2.0是一项新兴技术,我所属的团队不属于市场部门也不属于销售部门,我的同事都是一些非常厉害的技术人员,大多数都是搞开发的。
Highly Accelerated Stress Screen (HASS) is an emerging technology, which is performed during production phase to find the weak reliability links in the product.
In recent years, biosorption is an emerging technology to remove metals from solution, with its rich source of raw materials, low cost and no secondary pollution.
Virtual manufacturing(VM) is an emerging technology that is used for the mimics real manufacturing operations with models, simulations and artificial intelligence.
Today, the largest universities offer hundreds of degrees in programs that range from preparation for graduate school to specialized education in an emerging technology.
While this focus is appropriate for an emerging technology, it becomes easier to recognize the value of cloud computing when you have actual application examples, or case studies.
The production of high quality surfaces with nanometric roughness and sub-micrometer accuracy on brittle crystals is an emerging technology having important optical applications.
Three-dimensional computer reconstruction as an emerging technology can not only reconstruct the organs by serial slices, but also calculate the length, volume, surface area of the organs.
While autonomic computing has been an emerging technology from IBM for several years now, WebSphere XD is the first product in the WebSphere family to take advantage of it in a really big way.
As the name suggests, cloud computing is an emerging computing technology which USES the Internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications accordingly.
The discussion represents an emerging law of Enterprise 2.0 Inevitably, a consumer trend in the social technology space will start to seep into the business world.
For an emerging economy trying to build a technology sector, this is both discouraging and damaging.
InfoQ: Speaking of new technologies, OSGi seem to be emerging as well as an important technology, how do you position SCA and OSGi?
InfoQ:说到新技术,OSGi似乎也正成为一项重要技术,你如何定位SCA和OSGi ?
A larger number are interested in energy, particularly in the space of green technology — there's a lot of room for growth, particularly in introducing new technologies in an emerging market.
A larger number are interested in energy, particularly in the space of green technology — there's a lot of room for growth, particularly in introducing new technologies in an emerging market.