As a member of an ethnic minority, do you have any special advice for new grads who are also minorities?
A child's social class is more likely to determine how well they perform in school if they are white than if they come from an ethnic minority, researchers have discovered.
I was rooting for Aliya partly because I'd met her, partly because I actually recognized her on stage and partly because, as an ethnic minority, she would be an underdog, despite her looks.
The Boise metro area already has a population that is 17% ethnic minority, mostly Hispanic or Asian. Restaurants serve Japanese cuisine with an Idaho twist: huge portions.
Such an environment makes it easier for students from minority ethnic groups to feel comfortable.
In an autonomous area of ethnic minorities, it may be made in the local commonly used ethnic minority language.
Education in pastoral areas is an important component of the ethnic minority education of our country.
As an important part and one of the gems of traditional Chinese medicine, ethnic medicine plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of diseases of minority people.
As an important part and one of the gems of traditional Chinese medicine, ethnic medicine plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of diseases of minority people.