There is an increase in production of 20% above that of the corresponding period of last year.
The factory must aim for an increase in production.
The move follows Opec's failure earlier this month to agree an increase in production quotas.
A number of new machines were installed in the factory, thus resulting in an increase in production.
One spin-off will be an increase in production flexibility for companies essentially making the same product in two or more locations.
Increased IOP results from a decrease in aqueous humor outflow and in some cases may be related to an increase in production of aqueous humor.
In the medium term, an increase in production of high quality rice seeds should lead to a sufficient rise in annual rice output to cover 70% of domestic demand.
Theoretically, an increase in production eventually will boost prices. But, as Thursday's bleak retail sales figures reinforce, this recession has hobbled demand.
Khelil estimated that the oil market is currently "sufficiently supplied" but did not rule out an increase in production by the cartel at its next meeting in February.
Exports are by definition domestically produced goods or services, so an increase in exports increases production and hence employment.
Crop production will suffer as carbon dioxide emissions rise, after an initial increase in growth.
But another Japanese maker, Honda, reported an eleven percent increase on strong sales of cars.General Motors announced it will close four truck factories in North America and expand car production.
Also, you will recall that there was an increase in the production of oil, from the low of about 700 barrels per day to about 2.3 million barrels per day.
Muscle breakdown stayed constant in both groups, consistent with previous research showing that muscle wasting is caused by a drop in muscle production, not an increase in muscle destruction.
What Turkey now faces is an increase in domestic energy demand and rapidly growing greenhouse gas emissions, a large portion of which come from energy production and usage.
An increase in the relative price of oil raises the costs of energy-intensive production, making some plant and machinery unprofitable.
Many had expected an increase in quotas as members with spare production capacity, led by Saudi Arabia, pushed to avoid a price spike that may dampen long-term demand.
Overall, an increase in the brain's production of endorphines occurs when the body is put under stress such as long distance running, and the endorphines then cause a positive or negative mood change.
Reining in production also makes an eventual increase more difficult.
Reilly points out that IPCC predicts an increase, not a decrease, in global crop production, as more CO2 in the atmosphere is beneficial for plant growth.
Shares of miner Fresnillo PLC (UK:FRES 1, 289, +48.00, +3.87%) rose 3.6% after the firm reported an increase in third-quarter silver production and gave a bullish outlook.
For all products except money, such an increase is socially beneficial, since it means that production and living standards have increased in response to consumer demand.
除了货币,对其他商品来说,产量的增加有益于社会,因为这意味着消费者的需求被满足,生活标准得到了提高。 如果钢铁和面包或住宅数量非常多,价格也比以前更便宜,那每个人都能享受到好处。
With the increase of nonwovens production enterprises, increase of mechanical equipment investment, maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment is an important part in daily production.
With the increase of nonwovens production enterprises, increase of mechanical equipment investment, maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment is an important part in daily production.